Jacqueline Loss

Jacqueline Loss is professor of Latin American Literary and Cultural Studies at the University of Connecticut. The author of Dreaming in Russian. The Cuban Soviet Imaginary (2013) and Cosmopolitanisms and Latin America: Against the Destiny of Place (2005) and co-editor of The Cambridge History of Cuban Literature (with Vicky Unruh, 2024), Caviar with Rum: Cuba-USSR and the Post-Soviet Experience (with José Manuel Prieto, 2012) and New Short Fiction from Cuba (with Esther Whitfield, 2007), Loss has published articles, translations, and interviews in Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, Nepantla, Chasqui, Asymptote, Latino and Latina Writers, New Centennial Review, Bomb, La Gaceta, Kamchatka, Aula, Transnational Screens, The Global South, Brooklyn Rail, among other publications. She curated an exhibition of Gertrudis Rivalta’s artwork entitled Selected Pages (Thomas Nickles Project, NYC) in 2022 and her documentary with Juan Carlos Alom entitled FINOTYPE is currently in post-production.
Jacqueline Loss es profesora de Estudios Literarios y Culturales Latinoamericanos en la Universidad de Connecticut. Es autora de Dreaming in Russian. The Cuban Soviet Imaginary (2013) y Cosmopolitanisms and Latin America: Against the Destiny of Place (2005) y coeditora de The Cambridge History of Cuban Literature (con Vicky Unruh, 2024), Caviar with Rum: Cuba-USSR and the Post-Soviet Experience (con José Manuel Prieto, 2012) y New Short Fiction from Cuba (con Esther Whitfield, 2007). Loss ha publicado artículos, traducciones y entrevistas en Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, Nepantla, Chasqui, Asymptote, Latino and Latina Writers, New Centennial Review, Bomb, La Gaceta, Kamchatka, Aula, Transnational Screens, The Global South, Brooklyn Rail, entre otras publicaciones. En 2022, comisarió una exposición de la obra de Gertrudis Rivalta titulada Selected Pages (Thomas Nickles Project, Nueva York), y su documental con Juan Carlos Alom titulado FINOTYPE está actualmente en postproducción.